
Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

Nokia Suite : "Your Computer Needs a Windows Certificate"??

Bingung gagal instal Nokia Suite krn ada Notification

"Your Computer Needs a Windows Certificate"?

Itu mudah koQ,, caranya bs baca disini
Kenapa? Gak mudeng?? Klo gak mudeng ini nich alternatif Certifiednya udah aQ buatin,

Mirror 1 | Certified1.cer
Mirror 2 | Certified2.cer

Pilih salah satu aja, Lalu instal Certificatenya... Kalo gak bs coba yang satunya...
Semoga Membantu Yaaahhh... ^___^

4 komentar:

  1. trimakasih membantu

  2. May I put part of this on my page if I include a reference to this web page?
    Thank you for the great info! I would not have gotten this otherwise!
    To the point and written well, thank you for the information
    I agree, tyvm for posting this..

  3. As a Novice, I m always searching on the web for content articles that can help me. However do you know how come i cant see all the pics on your webpage?
    This is a huge sum.
    Sarah Berger

  4. Apakah pesan "Your Computer Needs a Windows Certificate" terkait dengan perangkat keras atau konfigurasi sistem komputer tertentu? Regards Telkom University


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